Dunvant Choir at the Eisteddfod

Join Dunvant Male Choir

We are always looking for and pleased to welcome new choristers, whether experienced or complete beginners. We rehearse twice weekly in Ebenezer Chapel, Dunvant.

You could soon be perfoming with us in Concerts, Sporting Events (on the pitch at International Rugby Matches), International Tours, National Eisteddfods, The Royal Albert Hall, Corporate and Private events and Weddings.

All you need to do is fill out the contact form and we’ll get in touch to organise a time for you to come along to a rehearsal.

Join the Choir

Just fill in a few details and try out with the choir. You will find us a very welcoming choir.

Sing along and test your voice to see which choir section is the best match

If you are not sure, try our test in the privacy of your own home.

Your may not be sure how high or low your voice is, or whether you are a Bass, Baritone or 1st or 2nd Tenor. Try out test songs and see which is easiest to sing along with. That will help us fit you into the correct section of the choir.

You can play sound clips and see which best suits your voice. That’ll help you tell us where your voice might best fit in the choir.

Common Questions You May Have about Joining the Choir

Who joins male choirs?

Men who enjoy singing, socialising and supporting this Welsh cultural tradition.

Is choral singing good for you?

Absolutely!  Medical & academic research shows singing is beneficial for both our physical and mental health. And its fun! And the latest research suggests it is one of the best ways to make new friends.

Can anyone join?

Yes, any Males. Women’s and mixed voice choirs are available.

Are applicants musically tested?

Yes – A Voice Test identifies which of the four male voices suit you (Top Tenor, Tenor, Baritone, Bass) then a later test to confirm you can hold a tune.

You can find a self-testing section on this page to indicate the type of voice you have.

Do I have to read music?
No, it helps but musical training and online resources help choristers to sing.
Do choristers have to speak Welsh?
No. Many choristers do not speak Welsh ~ but rehearsals help with pronunciation.
Does the choir only sing Welsh hymns?

Hymns and arias and popular music are sung in Welsh and English ~ and other languages.

Where does the choir perform?

The choir is based in Swansea, but has sung in concert venues around the UK and also overseas.

How much time does the choir take?

Choir practices twice a week, Monday & Wednesday evening 7-9 pm at Ebeneser Chapel.  Choir concerts are staged throughout the year ~ check out the  Choir Calendar for more news and events.

Do I have to pay to belong to the choir?

Choristers pay a monthly fee to cover costs of musical training, direction and sheet music, choir uniform of blazer, trousers and tie).